Parents’ Association 2024/2025

As the parent of a pupil attending Scoil Chaitríona Infants you are automatically a member of the Association.

The Parents’ Association would like as many parents as possible to become involved in the association. We have our Annual General Meeting in September and all parents are invited. From that meeting we ask for volunteers to serve on the Committee, which meets on occasions throughout the year to organise events for the children.

To date this school year we organised a spooky cave, with Halloween treats for the children, before the midterm break in October.  Everyone had great fun!  Before the Christmas break we transformed the Junior Infant shelter into Santa’s Grotto.  Each class got a turn to visit Santa and his helpers and Santa brought a selection box for every child.  It was a magical morning! Next up will be St. Patrick’s Day, followed by a visit from the Easter bunny at Easter.  We also run an Easter hamper raffle for all the pupils. We help organise the Graduation evening for 1st Classes and other events for children throughout the year.  We decorate the entrance hall with seasonal displays for Halloween, Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day and Easter.

We would love to see more parents getting involved so if you feel you could spare some time to help out, we would be delighted to see you at our Committee Meetings.  Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 16th February at 9am under the Junior Infant shelters.